
In these blogs, I aim to provide a thorough exploration of my personal and professional experiences, shedding light on issues that currently shape our society and workplaces. Through candid reflections, I strive to offer valuable insights into the intricate challenges and opportunities within the contemporary socio-professional landscape.

These writings serve as a platform to dissect prevalent issues, from the complexities of diversity and inclusion to the evolving nature of leadership.

By sharing my encounters and practical insights gained from my professional journey, I hope to empower readers to navigate similar situations, fostering a community of engaged individuals committed to positive change in both our personal and professional spheres.

Warning: The following blog includes adult themes and language and is not suitable for all readers.

I was stuck one night with someone I was doing support work for. The young person was mentally very unwell, and I was alone with her for four hours. My head was held over live electrical wires, I had attempted repeatedly to stop the young person trying to start a fire or hurt herself and […]

I was trying to explain to a group of friends the other day that how we are raised as children has a huge impact on how we parent our own children and the way we live. I was explaining how difficult it can be to recognise and then break intergenerational trauma cycles. “I don’t believe […]

If you have managed to escape being on the end of a narcissist, then you are one of the lucky ones. Many of us have experienced either working with or being in the relationship with a narcissist. And they are one of the greatest psychological hazards to the workplace. When you first encounter one in […]

Warning: The following blog mentions sexual assault, suicide, drug and alcohol misuse and domestic violence. It may be upsetting for some readers.

You know, every time I see the word ‘bully’ in print, it triggers a punch -in- the -gut reaction for me. I was bullied horribly at school. And while many people think this is just a ‘school’ issue, recent reports of people suiciding because of bullying at work are increasing. And people are alarmed. How […]

I was at an end of year Christmas celebration when I realised that the man, I was talking to was struggling so badly with compassion fatigue and stress that he couldn’t sleep, was highly anxious and deeply depressed. While the fairy lights twinkled around us, people danced and the music thumped, I looked into his […]

Nearly 50% of people who experience sexual assault go on to develop PTSD, coupled with anxiety and depression. A third of the people who experience sexual harassment go on to develop anxiety and depression. As someone who has experience all three conditions, I can tell you, they are horribly unpleasant and at times, living with […]

When a friend of mine told me at dinner she had been sexually harassed and a assaulted on a mine site, I was upset for her. While I remember her story, it wasn’t the assault itself that horrified me. It was her manager’s response to her disclosure that replayed in my head and churned my […]